Unit #4 
Turning in Homework and Notes (section copied from the syllabus)

Written coursework assignments can be found on the chronological outline below.  Follow the procedures below to see how to put your notes and homework together for submission. 
*Please note:  keep your homework and notes separate from each other.  This means that I want all your homework in one paper clip and your notes in another.  Don’t mix your homework and notes together in one huge pile.  Your grade will be affected when instructions are not followed.

--Follow these procedures for your notes:
*Make it easy for me to follow your work
*Lesson number at the top of each page (3.1, 3.2, etc.)
*Keep all notes together
*Send copies if you want the originals since I won’t be returning them

**IMPORTANT:  Notes are not an option.  They are part of your grade for the course.  If you know how to do the lesson, then taking notes should be simple.  An example of what I want in your notes can be found on the prealgebra website.

**Please send copies of your notes to me since I cannot return them and you might want to use them on the final exam.

--Follow the same procedures for your homework that you do for your notes:
*Make it easy for me to follow your work
*Lesson number at the top of each page (3.1, 3.2, etc.)
*Keep all homework lessons together
*Send copies if you want the originals since I won’t be returning them

Because many students are a great distance from Soldotna, please submit notes and homework in the following manner:

You will be submitting your notes and homework by mail 4 times during the course.  Place your notes and homework together in a manila envelope and send them to:
Gary Leiter
PO Box 602
Soldotna, AK  99669

**You also have the option of scanning and then emailing your notes/homework to me at:  leiteruaa@gmail.com

**NOTE:  If you do scan your work and email them to me, please do the following:
*Make sure all homework and notes are right side up and in order
*Do not send as “zip files” or any other method other than as attachments (when they are sent other ways, it takes forever to download, etc. when you are sending 10,000 pages or more (OK, I exaggerate).
*If it takes several emails to attach everything, please title the “subject line” with the lesson numbers attached.  For example, if you are sending homework for chapter 4, lessons 1-8, “HW 4.1-4.8” should be in the subject line

**Please send copies of your homework to me since I cannot return them and you might want them.

Notes and homework are due by Friday after each test week (Homework that is late is reduced one letter grade per day...after one week late NO CREDIT WILL BE GIVEN.)  

One other thing…Please make sure you put your name on your notes/homework so I can give you the grade you deserve.

Work must be shown or no credit will be given. I realize that some assignments do not have work to be shown, but don’t expect to get credit when you copy down the answers from the back of the book and submit them as your work.  Not cool.

**Please Note:  If you choose to send homework and notes to me through the U.S. Postal Service, it will cost you around $2.00 each time you submit them.  Therefore, plan on around $8.00 for postage over the course of the semester.

Assignment for week:  
2.2; 33-59
2.3; 9-49 eoo, 55-63
2.4; 15-51 eoo, 55, 57, 59
2.5; 7-65 eoo

Click on the YouTube Icon to access course video lectures and examples